Internet Law Blog

Cyberbullying Statistics and Solutions

Cyberbullying Statistics and Solutions

worried girl looking at phone | RM Warner Inernet Law Firm

The internet is more accessible now than ever before! However, with the internet’s constant evolution, and the way social media platforms develop rapidly, this can cause significant issues for children, parents, and school systems alike. Today, more people are bullied online than they are in person (just take a look at our infographic!). This form of bullying is called cyberbullying, and it comes with it’s own unique challenges. However, there is no federal cyberbullying statute, and laws addressing this issue vary by state.

There are still ways victims can fight back and reclaim their reputation, though- even if their state’s cyberbullying law is less than sufficient! We created the following infographic filled with cyberbullying statistics in hopes of helping interested parties understand the cyberbullying definition, what cyberbullying on social media is, and some possible solutions to combat cyberbullying.

If you have questions or are interested in filing a cyberbullying lawsuit of your own, don’t hesitate to contact us. The defamation lawyers and cyberbullying lawyers at RM Warner Law know how to help! 

Cyberbullying Statistics and Solutions

Cyberbullying statistics and solutions

One Comment

  1. Sylvis. Richards August 3, 2021 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    Thank u

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